
Cana's Feast is a Pacific Northwest winery that exists to cultivate intentional community, lasting relationships, and great conversations. The passion we pour into each of our four families of wine pairs with our commitment to curate meaningful gatherings where the wine is not the topic of conversation, but instead encourages a deeper connection for all of us.

Our wine is an invitation for you to celebrate with us, and is our way of joining you around the table.


The Table

The table represents the place where our wines and patrons come together for a shared experience. As an icon, the table may change and evolve. The meaning, however, will never change. It is the fertile ground for celebration. The great conduit of conversations, the dinner table is a symbol with which all people can identify and relate - it bridges family & friends with food & wine, and engenders the sharing of hopes, ideas, memories, warmth, and love. It's the place where people, wine, and stories converge.

Table with a colored pattern The four canasfeast wine families with their icons

The image of the heirloom quilt, handed down for generations, is a symbol of familial love and enduring commitment. The Cana's Feast quilt patterns represent the four regions that inspire these wines. The colors bind the blankets, wines and regions together under the banner of celebrations.

A Beautiful Partnership

A Beautiful Partnership

We’ve partnered with some of the most respected growers in the region with the common goal of producing unique wine that expresses variety and distinction, while honoring the land from where it's produced. Learn more about the people we work with and the places our grapes are grown.

Vineyard Partners

Our People

Our People

Meet the Team -

From production, to sales, to administrative support, here are the people on the Cana's Feast team...

Our People

  • Our Family of Wines

    Our Family of Wines

    Discover what everyone is talking about. From rich and bold, to elegant and complex, our unique selection of award-winning wines is inspired by classic greats from around the world.

    Our Wines

  • Our Tasting Room

    Our Tasting Room

    Want to enjoy exceptional and unique wines? Join us at our beatific space in Charming Carlton. We'd be honored by the occasion of your visit to our winery and tasting room.

    Visit Us

  • We Grow Celebration

    We Grow Celebration

    At our winery we love a good celebration. Check out our Calendar of Events for upcoming opportunities to connect with us and the larger Cana's Feast Family.

    Events & News

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